Social Impact

Social Stewardship:  “responsibility for the good of our community”

We are passionate about the community we operate in.  We take responsibility for the good of our community and support community activities related to educating the underprivileged children in our community.

LPCL visits Damishael Academy for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity

The LPCL team recently visited Damishael Academy on their ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. They gave motivational talks and answered all their questions. Click here to see photos

LPCL Team Serves Grace Child Orphanage - Chazanga Lusaka

LPCL Team Serves Grace Child Orphanage in Chazanga LusakaLPCL employees are serving and strengthening their local communities by supporting Grace Child Orphanage and School located in Chazanga Lusaka on 8 April 2011. Click here to see photos

Click Image to Welcome Mukuka

Mukuka Zulu

Click Image to Welcome Temwani

Temwani Rose Hara

Click Image to Welcome Natasha

We have moved!


Stand CV16 Comesa Village, Showgrounds, Lusaka, 10101, Zambia..



And you can reach us on the following Phone Numbers:


+260 955 887437,


+260 977 887437

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